In a building which overlooked Brooklyn's harbors, there were two men sat calmly, engaging in small conversation of both business and family. One man named Lorenzo lighted his pipe as a crisp sound of fire echoed while he inhaled the smoke that emitted from the pipe, leaving the room with a scent of tobacco. The other, Giovanni, casually sat down behind his new desk of a building both brothers had just purchased, his hands neatly wrapped around one another as he waited for his brother to say the first words. The room, just purchased, was already neatly organized, an affinity which Giovanni had. Giovanni was a man who always had his priorities straight and had a keen eye and memorization on dates, plans and events on what he was going to do, he was man of organization, which is what made him such a good businessman in the growing city of New York. Lorenzo exhaled a warm cloud of smoke from his mouth, the smoke floated freely across the room as the ugly scent of tobacco became even more dominant in the Giovanni's office. "Why don't you smoke Johnny? It's good for you." Lorenzo said. "I don't think inhaling any smoke is necessarily going to be good for you." Giovanni replied, waving smoke away from his hands as he stood up to open all three windows. The sounds of the city began to creep in while smoke left the building, the sounds of horns of cars and the Atlantic wind settled in as the window overlooked part of the blue sea and Manhattan. The Island ahead was now a busy and ever-growing city as building grew and reached as high as the sky, tearing through the clouds and making way for business opportunities. Maybe one day, Giovanni settle in Manhattan while half of his family took care of the rest of Brooklyn but for now, it was Brooklyn. "Eh. It's a nice view. Don't you think?" He said, leaning on the window and breathing the fresh, morning air of the sea. "I'm glad to decided to settle down with me on this part of town. Especially way from the smog of the in-lands." "Well, we gotta find have a way of laundering the money we earn." Inhaling his pipe again. "Speaking about the money, did you think about what we might do with the Russians?" His brother replied after exhaling another warm cloud of smoke from his nostrils. "Screw those Ruskies, I don't trust em. Those loonies almost ripped me off last time we gave them money." Giovanni said. "Ripped us off? They were only two days late on their payment!" Lorenzo implied, laughing while smoke shot out of his mouth with every chuckle. "But they still paid." "I don't trust that jerk-off Zaburdaajev and his Ruskie hoodlums, they just rub me the wrong way." "Hey, I think we could put some trust in him. He did after all apologize greatly." Lorenzo gestured, he knew his brother well and realized he hardly put both his trust and his time in anyone. The slightest mistake and Giovanni would go ballistic. "They say he's an honorable man, you gotta learn to just calm down and trust him, he seems like a good guy to me and you know how I don't trust people easily." After all, they did know Grigoriy Pavlov Zaburdaajev quite well, as he sometimes would invite them to certain events. They were somewhat allies but more importantly, businessmen. "I don't care what kind of man he is: Mai fidarsi di nessuno al di fuori della famiglia." Giovanni insisted, the saying was something his father used quite often even when referring to trust. It meant, "Never trust anyone outside of the family." It was something Giovanni adopted into his own philosophy in running the business for years after his father had died. Giovanni casually fixed his tie as he sat back down on his chair behind his desk. Lorenzo looked down and nodded his head, concurring with the wise words of his father who died when all of his brothers were very young. Giovanni was like his father, who was wise and cautious and Lorenzo knew to trust his older brother due to his responsible actions he portrayed while keeping his family and his business alive after all of these years. Suddenly, there came a knocking at the door. "Huh? It must be our other two brothers. Late as always." Lorenzo stood from his chair to open the door behind him, quickly inhaling and exhaling another batch of smoke as he rushed towards the door..