[img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ORbD7hxC8TM/TdCCTSrahII/AAAAAAAAAIo/omOfouCKuvY/s1600/anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpg] Name: James Hunter Age: 19 Where you come from, bio: James was raised by mercenaries, so he has always wandered around, and has a warrior's lifestyle because of it. After his entire mercenary troop was slaughtered during an ambush that he barely escaped, he went and became freelance, but ended up joining Malshar after being hired by the same person as him for one job and being forced to work alongside him. Normal clothes(link): (the same clothes as in his pic.) Weapon (max 2)(link): [url=http://argos-soft.net/GW2/Img/100ffa9.png]Greatsword[/url] [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130627190528/elderscrolls/images/c/cb/Oblivion_FineSteelLongsword.png]longsword[/url] Armor/shield(link): [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/001/f/9/armored_knight_by_didymus03-d4kyeb7.jpg] Fighting/war exprecience?: Because he's always been a mercenary, he has plenty of experience, and learned to fight at a very young age. Things you carry with you: a ring that is a keepsake from his late mother Horse?: none If you want to add something?: