The men sitting next to Annalisa made her nervous. She heard them speaking in a foreign tongue, but couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was. She drank the shot down quickly, and made a face, vodka really wasn't her thing, but she wasn't thinking straight. For a second, the thought of asking one of the Russians to help her with the body of the businessman crossed her mind, but they seemed shady, and she'd probably have to pay them off, so she dismissed the idea. "Another one please." She said to the bartender softly, the fact that she was in a bar alone without any male protection made her a bit antsy, she had done it plenty of times, but it still got to her. The bartender handed her another shot, and once again, Annalisa drank it quickly. She then went back to scanning the people in the room, looking for someone suitable to hide a body, or keep her company and convince to give her more money. She heard one of the Russians say he was looking for work- and once again considered paying them to hide the body of the businessman. But, she restrained herself, they were Russian, and a Russian killed her parents. Annalisa took one more scan around the room, and got prepared to leave. She wasn't going to stay here longer than she had to- she would go directly to Giovanni, her boss, and admit her error- or crime, and hope he didn't go off on her, and get someone to help her clean up her mistake. Just then, a man sat down next to her, he looked vaguely familiar- did he work for Bracco too? Of course, Annalisa wasn't highly involved, basically all she did was go around and seduce feds and members of rival gangs, and get information for the boss, of which he paid her in return for. Remembering that she was on a mission to find someone capable of hiding a body, she leaned in to the man next to her,"I think I know you, do you work for Bracco?" She whispered into the man's ear, hoping she wasn't mistaken.