Names, and origins were passed around so casually that it caused the girls jaw to drop in awe. It was understandable if they were associated before, but seeing as they were all strangers, a single thought occurred to the girl. Did these people have no sense of caution? “[b]Jean Carteneau.[/b]” Another said, forcing Arydnia to turn her gaze, narrowing in irritation up at the older man. [b]“I was a professor of alchemy and the white arts at the Hayes University of Lulia. Perhaps I can assist with that injury?[/b]” These people could be anybody, she reminded herself. Enemies of the North, Bandits seeking unsuspecting adventurers to kill in the night, even creatures of the Labyrinth trying to trick them into their deaths. No matter how friendly they seemed, Arydnia wasn’t going to give away information that could put her life into jeopardy. So once all eyes fell on her, the girl decided to use the name of her teacher, Sir. Ramsay, in hopes the alias would satisfy their curiosity. “My name is Arryn, and-“ Tugging her hand away from the other girl as her hand suddenly went under inspection, she scowled defiantly and took a careful step back, “my hand is fine.” Cheeks red with embarrassment, she hid the wound by gripping the fur of her cloak, staining the pelt with her bloody hand as she tried to control the bleeding. “[b]People have died from infection from smaller injuries.[/b]” Remarked the alchemist, which only caused Arydnia to scoff quietly. "[b]Feh. It's only a flesh wound.[/b]" Shifting her gaze to the tall crusader, she was quick to nod, agreeing with his words despite the dull throb of pain coming from her palm. It was going to take a lot more then little cut to take her down, after all."[b]I'm sure we'll all get worse ones while we're in here. There are monsters to be slain after all.[/b]" Eyeing Alexei, her sights fell onto the great sword attached to his back. She had heard stories from her father about the Crusaders of Isakios. Knights that fought in the name of their goddess, Austema, eliminating anything they discerned as infernal, or demonic. Years ago Taeron had been at war with Isakios due to the invasion of their borders, and preservation of the creatures living within the forests. Of course, like all of Taerons great wars, the northern winds were given credit for their victory, even the great nation of Isakios was no match for the winter and harsh conditions. There was still a bitter relationship between the two nations even after all these years, but Arydnia wasn't here to bicker about history, or past mistakes. She was here for the same reason the Crusader was, to slay monsters for the glory of her nation.