It wasn't far to the armory, but it still seemed to take forever. Yelgir was forced twice into hiding to avoid crewmembers on their way past, and was nearly caught by a cleaning droid which had escaped his attention. The machine merely beeped at him, vacuumed some dust off of his pantleg, then continued on its way. The door to the armory was locked, of course, and this time took longer than the simple airlock hatch to access. Yelgir still made it through without setting off any alarms, and the door slid open with a hiss. It was dark inside, the light levels low to help preserve some of the more delicate weaponry. Rows of plasma rifles lined one rack, ready for the crew to grab in case of an emergency. Several of these weapons were missing, as well as a few proton axes, but the rest seemed undisturbed. Yelgir was feeding the security cameras looped footage of the dim and empty room, so no-one noticed his intrusion. The small android grinned happily and almost caught himself rubbing his hands. This armory was like a candy store to him. Guns in boxes, guns on racks, cases full of the deadliest ammunition known to civilization. One wall was even lined with bio-tech weapons in air-sealed compartments, just itching to catch some poor sucker in their slimy, rough, some even tentacled grasp. The center area caught his attention the most, however. This section had some of the biggest, baddest, rough-up-some-poor-fool weapons Yelgir had ever seen. Shoulder-fired missile launchers, lasers so big they were practically cannons, plasma grenades that could destroy a house, and mass-accelerators to put his puny pistol to shame. He didn't dare take these off the racks, much as he longed to hold their power, because the logical side of his brain pointed out the obvious factor of weight. These weapons were definitely not designed for 2/3rd's of a soldier. For the first time in his life, Yelgir wished he were created larger. Yelgir blew a kiss at the weapon rack, promised to come back for them, then grabbed a bandolier of grenades and a snub-barreled laser rifle and slipped back out the door. A maniacal grin covered his face, and he laughed softly. "Here I come, Missy Reaper. I hope you like the taste of my firepower."