Esprum was the last to reach the site, though he heard the yelling at about the same time as the others. After witnessing Aslin dash off, he turned towards the yelling. 'Are we ever going to catch a break?' He huffed, before following another path towards the yelling. 'This is getting fucking old...' He thought to himself on the way, noisily stomping through the leaves that lied on the ground. He was tired, and his boots didn't do much to help stifle the crunching noise. He soon pulled his staff out, readying himself for a fight. It came sooner than he would have liked. An unfamiliar crunch from behind caught his attention, and he turned just in time to allow a blade to hit the dead middle of his staff. This soldier kept up its assault, repeatedly bashing on Esprum's spear. He certainly couldn't keep this up for long, that time made even shorter as yet another soldier appeared behind him. He was barely able to stagger his current attacker, stabbing the newcomer right in his chest. He fell, and Esprum used a spare moment to bash the first soldier's gut with the dull end of his spear. The soldier stumbled back, giving Esprum the time he needed to steady himself. He began forward, only to step back as the sword was swung towards him. He brought his staff up to block, only to have it been hit away. Twas a shame strength wasn't his talent. 'Think... think...' He huffed as the soldier advanced. As if a light bulb went off in his head, he knelt, reaching into his ripped robes. He then waited, letting the soldier get close. It would have seemed that he intended to bash his skull in with the hilt of his blade, but he wouldn't get the chance as Esprum withdrew his hands, slugging the soldier's skull with his heavy black dictionary. That sent the soldier stargazing. He took a moment, breathing heavily. He stepped forward, foolishly letting his guard down as he crouch to retrieve his staff. There was another crunch. 'What?!' He mentally screamed at him self as he turned, staring at the incoming hilt. 'When did he get here?!' There was much he could do, the hilt hitting where his glasses reached his left ear. Within the next second, he fell towards the ground, unconscious. 'What a wonderful start!' He quickly thought as he fell towards the ground, a line of blood trickling from the left side of his head.