[img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/084/7/f/fairy_tail_oc___naila_gallagher__anubis__by_flyingdragon04-d78hzi6.jpg] Full Name: Nalia (Alien name is too complicated so she came up with a first name) Callsign/Nickname: Sandstorm Age: 23 Status: Special Personnel - Special Fighter(she is only called to certain missions as a solo or going with the main troops) Desired arms (weapon): twin kantana's(kept on back),jar of sand(kept on her belt), and Sand Manipulation(User can create, shape and manipulate sand,) Biography: Nalia is a native of the planet Tagrea. She is part of the rarest race on Tagrea. Her race is able to live on the surface of Tagrea compared to the other races. They build their homes in caves and can venture outside for some time although they can't survive when it reaches the peak of the day and the hour before and after. Nalia's race is also known for being skilled fighters seeing as they all have some form of Desert Manipulation. Nalia recieved the sand manipulation of their race's main power. It is one of the rare yet strong ones. Nalia was therefore chosen to be a warrior of the tribe that their race has formed. She was trained in fighting from a young age making her skilled at fighting. Thus why she was recruited for the defense force known as Taros. Personality: Nalia is naive to everything not found on her planet, so basically anything not related to heat, sand, strong winds, and the sun/moon. She is still new in Taros and has learned slowly that temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit can be dangerous for her. So she stays in a well heated area. Nalia is also a fiesty girl who is not one to mess with. When anger her skin that already is hot begins to grow hotter emitting the heat from her body. If too angry the heat will be dangerous. When not angry Nalia still emits heat but its not bad and is like heat a feverish human emits. Other: Her alien form is just a bunch of rocks in the form of a women with hair made of sand.