[center][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2cehshh.jpg[/img][/center] Alicia followed silently behind the captain throughout their trip into the Brass Cape. She seemed content to observe and merely listened in to part of the conversation which either intrigued her or she felt would be noteworthy for latter. The place was certainly interesting a carried a degree of character she found charming. When they entered the bar she was momentarily reminded of the.. [i]situation[/i] which happened back at Utsukushi. She quickly cast the thought aside as she followed with the captain, observing the many others which sat in their seats as they drank their earnings. After Runali took her seat Alicia would approach her from behind and gently rest her hand on her shoulder, leaning forwards just enough so her words could only be heard between them. "I'll be within range, it would be prudent if I checked to ensure this place is as it seems" she said before moving back, seeming to disappear a few moments latter.