[quote=ASTA] Also, Middle Ages and no gunpowder? Is this for balance reasons or for historical accuracy? If it's for historical reasons, gunpowder artillery during the Middle Ages was a thing. [/quote] Actually, depends on what era you're looking at when it comes to gunpowder weapons. Or region. True even in the early middle ages there was gunpowder, but that was purely a Chinese pursuit. Gunpowder in Europe and the Middle East wasn't a thing until the 13th century in some matter of use (though even in this early case it's worth noting that Arabic sources from this time use the same word for gunpowder as they did Naphtha: [i]naft[/i]). Similarly, the "Middle Ages" as a European historical term spans from the 400's to the 1400's covering an extremely broad period of roughly 1000 years. In history, the end of the Middle Ages and transition to the Modern Period is often described as being either the 16th century (giving the Middle Ages another century to its already extensive timeline) or the Fall of Constantinople in 1458. But because the game is supposed to have a "Medieval-tier timeframe" doesn't mean that it can by default have gunpowder. In a technological concept gunpowder is - despite its early flaws and to pop-perception - too much of a game changer, much like magic. I'd also like to complain about that app. Damn that's a lot of useless information that'll actually never make it anywhere, or could just as easily be invoked in the very first post. I just like to cut shit down to three points, not twenty-five points. Usually the nation's name, leader, location and history will suffice in my opinion, with an optional "other" section if someone feels they want to post a full dissertation on religion and fashion. Also because I generally refuse to do anything without a map first, I'll make a donation of a map I made for another RP that went under in a few posts. I don't think Krazaz would mind: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/186/3/7/krazaz_rp_map_by_aaronmk-d7peoet.png[/img] For reference, consider this map to be a 1:1 scale to Earth. This'd be the whole world. [url=http://aaronmk.deviantart.com/art/Krazaz-RP-Map-465938453]Full version.[/url]