"Here they are." Edward said with slight amusement in his voice as he pulled a case from chest. He pulled out a pair of seemingly pretty modern style glasses, especially when you consider it was in a very old chest, something apparent from both the style and its age was apparent from all the damage it suffered. "These glasses are pretty simple, they are just designed to allow the sight impaired see. I keep a pair in this room because you're not the only injured person who has come into this room. One time, I got a person who had both his eyes ripped out of his sockets. And sometimes when we are short on guards for this establishment, he have to turn some of the scraps from the cafeteria who aren't dead yet and they normally don't regrow for a few days even then so these things are surprising more useful than they would first seem." he said as if Azuriel actually knew about the supernatural or much less the hotel. "You know, since you have been good, and I really like giving people false choices. I will allow you to decide one of two fates for yourself. Either you can become my slave, and eventually have you do everything for me. From being a delivery-boy, move around heavy stuff, and so on. I guess I should also inform you that I have been rearrange this room, and my magic is limited to what he can pick and it can't pick up these very heavy oak chests and bookshelves. Or I could just turn you all the way into a dog and you could simply be my pet. So, which would it be. Lose your humanity, or do back-breaking physical labor while probably still losing half of your humanity." he said with a very wicked grin across his face as he passed him the glasses through the bars.