Nice job Ryver! I'm liking the blue glow you have on the banners! I'm halfway done with my post so I'll finish as much as I can before heading out to watch a movie but I'll be back to finish it later on tonight. Oh and for those who haven't seen in Skype, we've split the chat into two parts now (one for chatter and the other for OOC talk so that no one misses anything important). Also, this is completely voluntary and won't be making its way into the IC (maybe we can start up a gallery for these type of shenanigans and such) but a few of us are thinking of starting up a Halloween themed collab for those who have time and are wanting to participate. What exactly is going to happen is up in the air (and keeping it that way is more than fine by me). Things are probably going to end up as one of the character or NPC's dream so feel free to break the normal feel of the roleplay and even add in some elements into the collab which would be out of place for U.H. It is completely for fun (and of course for the laughs) so there is no obligations about writing even a single sentence if you are unable to participate. I'll probably get a pad up tonight and we'll see how this thing will turn out. Who knows, if it turns out well we can turn it into a recurring thing and have another collab filled with shenanigans down the road.