KENNY (DOC) Kenny finished her little self imposed equipment inspection and inventory and went outside of the medical station and looked over her new home. Two army pukes walking by slowed to check her out and their eyes bulged when they saw her anchors "Holy Crap Larry it's one Oh those dryland squids." Says the corporal to his pal an infantry private. "Now Shane don't be spreading false rumors you know squids belong in salt water an they aint no ocean round here for miles" chuckled the private "Aint you done heard that the Pentagon brass is planning on startin an Afghan Navy?" Says the corporal grinning as he and his friend bracket Kenny on either side "So is you one of those Mermaids that done give up it's tail Ms Rand?" Asks the grinning Corporal "Done give up her tail, that's a goodun Shane" laughs the private Kenny looks at the two comedians an says [B]"Actually boys I'm here with the USO looking for a couple of clowns for a Circus we're starting"[/B] Her comment wipes the smiles off their faces as the both show they aren't as dumb as they act. "Better watch your mouth squid" growls the private giving Kenny a threatening look