[b]Ben[/b] Two students, one an attractive blonde girl and the other a guy by the name of Ben Parker, walked out from behind a large tree on the edge of the school grounds. The girl quickly walks away to join her friends with a bashful smile on her face. The boy calls after her with a wide grin, "It was great catching up with you, Melanie." As Ben walks toward the crowd of students waiting to enter the school, he notices his brother and one other guy sticking to the wall. "Hey Jack," he shouts, "Can't you wait a few days before you start showing off? And who's your friend?" [b]Anthony[/b] [hider= Clothes] [img=http://img01.taobaocdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/T1qtmVXnBjXXXwnmnb_094901.jpg][/hider] A sleek, jet black corvette rolls into the student parking lot and quickly comes to a stop in a free space. Anthony flicks a switch on his dashboard as he steps out of his car. He straightens his clothes, then walks toward the entrance of the school. As he walks away from his car, a dome of green, buzzing energy envelops his car. When the sound of the buzzing reaches Anthony's ears, he smiles slightly while thinking, [i] "Hopefully no one else makes the mistake of touching my little security system. The last idiot left such a mess."[/i] He brushes past the other students, and while he seems to not notice them, in reality he is memorizing every face he passes. He enters the lobby of the main building and is greeted by the sight of an extremely tall, stereotypical jock. [i] "I guess every school must have its share of these imbeciles." [/i] "Excuse me," Anthony asks the younger student, "are you here to give us the grand tour?"