Evvie was minding her own business, exploring the pleasantly warm fields of Terra Nova, when all of a sudden she came across a mysterious hole that, although being of small diameter, appeared to go down deeper than any hole she had ever come across, for she could not see the bottom of it, although this could very well be due to the pure darkness of it's bottom. She curiously peaked downward while in a squatting position with her toes gripping lightly over the edge of the cliff, her dragon tails and wings perked up on her otherwise human looking body. Her night vision took a moment to adjust so was still not good enough to see the bottom, and although it would eventually be able to do so she got impatient far quicker then this change could possibly take effect. What's the worst that could happen? She was confident that she could simply fly back out if this turned out to be boring, and if it was exciting then why not spend some time exploring? After all, she had nothing good in particular to do at the moment. She let the rest of her feet slide further down past the edge until she was in freefall. She used her wings for a couple flaps onto to stop herself from reaching damaging speed should the fall take her down longer then expected. However, that would not be the case as she slammed into the earth after only a second or two. She was forced down onto her knees from the impact, said knees taking a lot of the force but was not enough to do any harm with her enhanced durability and healing. It just stung mildly for a couple of second. She lifted back into a standing position, blinking as she did her best to survey her surroundings. There was the dim light of fire around the walls at some points along the cave, but otherwise it was hard to see much of anything until her vision better adjusted. For now she could feel around the cave with her bare feet, revealing her to be walking on a cold, slick, rocky feeling ground. This was clearly some sort of cave rather then a house built underground, which wouldn't make much sense anyways. She'd hate living underground, getting anxious if she couldn't spread her wings every so often. So while this wasn't her favorite environment by any means, her curiosity overtook this dislike so she continued forward into the cave rather then flying back out. After all, she didn't have to live here. She just had to do some exploring a bit. She wondered if there was any monsters around, for some reason feeling some unease at the thought. That was odd. She could handle any monster. This place was nothing. She confidently continued, unknowingly getting lost the further she went in.