[b]Name:[/b] Koji Matuoka [b]Age:[/b] 20 [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://sdsandwiches.com/snafu-hachiman.jpg][/hider] [b]Appearance details:[/b] None [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b][u]Background[/u][/b] [b]Hometown:[/b] Osaka [b]Major:[/b] Animation [b]Hobbies:[/b] Reading literature, drawing, sight seeing. [b]Part-time job:[/b] Barista at Sudoh - Bucks [b]Back story:[/b] Koji grew up with a love for anime and manga. When he was younger he was put out by the other children his age so he would spend most of his time at home. As he grew, so did his interest in anime. He began to teach himself how to draw, figured out making scripts, and started working on small manga projects. At first his work was very sloppy, and lacked any kind of style, but by the time he entered university he was able to produce a somewhat decent finished product. When he decided to go to university, his parents were excited for him, but couldn't support his tuition. He took on a part time job as a barista to help support himself. At work, when things were slow Koji would spend time day dreaming and drawing on coffee cups. People usually told him that he always seemed distant, and in his own world. But Koji was just thinking about drawings, his favorite shows, and being able to work for a major animation company one day. However, Koji never shared any of his work with others. He was not confident in his own skills and felt that he would be ridiculed by anyone who read it. After his first year of university at Todai he moved out from home and got his own apartment. He still didn’t have many friends though, so he decided to start an Anime Club to meet people with similar interests. He had gone through the paperwork with the school and they had agreed to let him start his new club. From there the Anime Club was born! Edit 1: Updated CS to look prettier, added a bit to his bio.