It feels good to be able to criticize people for lacking depth of character. It's been a long time since I had so many good choices for a game. [b]Bridgeburner:[/b] That appearance is way too short. He could look like anyone. Furthermore, he could use more of a personality - I might have failed to read between the lines, but all I'm getting is "proud warrior culture guy", which is a fine archetype, but it can't be all there is to him. Lastly, why would you rip off a weapon from A Song of Ice and Fire (and not even rename it) instead of just using a khopesh? [b]Raptorman:[/b] Considerably better. I still think the towering goddess who can force people to like her smacks of wish fulfillment, and she's still going to stick out like a sore thumb. For the former, I guess we might see, and for the latter, that doesn't actually have any impact on the selection process, only on your in-game odds. [b]MaxStokes:[/b] Giving you a point by point rebuttal would take a lot of time and energy and probably not lead anywhere. You make a lot of assumptions based only on your own convictions, and that tells me I'm not going to change your mind. If you reject the premise of the game, you probably aren't going to enjoy it anyway.