Roze hadn't been particularly perturbed by the body - she'd seen plenty before - but at her second glance it was indeed curious that he had no marks. No infliction of any kind, really. Perhaps poison? And yet, there seemed to be no visible after-effects of that possibility either; no hemorrhaging, no bruising; no frothing at the mouth - trust me, she'd seen that, and it was [b]nasty[/b]. His eyes were wide open, and yet, looked hollow - it didn't even have the usual glazed, misty look dead bodies often procured after death. It was as if this shell had never even witnessed life before. However, she did react to Vincent's words, and her own hands flew to the ebony daggers, positioned either side of her hips. Unsure of what good she could do, she lingered uncertainly behind Vincent, peering in the same direction, yet only seeing a never-ending flurry of snow. "Not alive? Is it another vampire?" She whispered, wondering what his own vampirical eyes were picking up that hers weren't; and then also wondering why he had bothered to tell her about this. Perhaps she wasn't as annoying as he let her believe? Allowing herself a minuscule smug smile, it quickly disappeared as she finally saw a figure walking towards them. He didn't look friendly.