Roxanne picked a room nearby Evara's, thinking it would be nice to have another girl to chat to. She had a feeling the other girl - Mai - would be a little to occupied with her Shrine stuff to think about movie marathons and such. "Woah." Was her only reaction as she opened her door. It was so [b]BIG[/b]. The biggest room she'd ever have, and it was all to herself! "This is awesome!" she squealed in delight, throwing herself on the bed, barely noticing the glowing aura around her pulsated slightly as she got happier. The bed was queen-sized and plush, there was bathroom en suite, and everything else a girl could want in a room. Mirrors, wardrobes, a desk... and a computer, which was intriguing, to say the least. Curling up on the large wheely chair in front of the desk - she was totally going to have hallway races with this chair - she turned it on, then laughed in surprise. "Wi-Fi." She cooed. Why did she ever have qualms about this place? After checking out the rest of her room - and tearing herself away from the wondrous internet - she decided to leave her packing for later and changed her clothes. Now wearing a white sundress that ended just above the knees, Roxy skipped back out of her room, closed the door, and continued on her merry way down the halls, wondering idly what time dinner was, and what they'd be served.