[quote=Goldmarble] Drunken embarrassing stories!Back when when I was 22 or so, I was up in Northern Alberta. I was working two jobs, busting my ass during the day, and din't really know anyone other than my sister and her friends. Being Northern Alberta, there is sweet fuck all to do, other than go to the 1 club in the surrounding 100+ km, and get shittered. So, that's what we did. Go to the club, 2 double shots of whiskey, then two pitchers of whiskey and coke would get me drunk enough to dance. One night...I think there might have been another double or two in there....I was at the stage of drunkeness that no fucks were given. So random "hot chick" started grinding on me. Problem: me being a young, inexperienced shut in, awkward as hell didn't know what to do.....so just went with it. Then got thirst and walked away. Seriously, just left her in the middle of the dance floor, walked to the bar, and got myself another pitcher of whiskey and coke, sat down, and drank.Course, all I remember is that she was shorter than me (and I'm 5'8"), was blonde, and not fat (vague memory is vague). So, considering that this club was notorious for letting minors in? Also that STDs fly around there like flies on a carcass? Maybe it was for the best....still awkward as hell though. [/quote] Fort Mac?