We've got the club prez and the foreign exchange student. Now it's time for the club's fun-sized ball of energy. [hider=Akiko][b]Name:[/b] Akiko Kobayashi [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://safebooru.org/images/1222/38d0dd9bfa6b5c428249a20de8c5d979a664de45.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance details:[/b] Akiko will invariably dress warmly, no matter the temperature outside. This is due to a keen [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frigophobia]frigophobia[/url] she developed from a childhood experience. [b]Height:[/b] 4'8" (~142cm) [u]Background[/u] [b]Hometown:[/b] Kyoto [b]Major:[/b] Literature [b]Hobbies:[/b] Listening to and creating music | 3D/2D art | "Tactical rest" (which is her way of saying she's taking a nap without actually saying she's taking a nap) | Writing fanfiction (which she's not good at) [b]Part-time job:[/b] Akiko doesn't have time for a job. However, she does sell the music she writes online. She doesn't really make much doing it since her fanbase is small to nonexistent, but it's enough to stay afloat with a very minor amount of help from home. [b]Back story:[/b] Born and raised in lovely Kyoto, Akiko was a creative sort from the very beginning. Art and music just clicked with her, and she was pretty good at making these things and bringing them to life. And you know what brings art and music together into one thing? Anime. Akiko's first anime was her father re-watching Hokuto no Ken, and to her, the idea that art and music could happen at the same time was something that never occurred to her before. Granted, Hokuto no Ken isn't the most kid-friendly thing in the world, but she was already eight by the time she saw it. That wasn't all she had going for her, either. Akiko also had plenty of friends. For her tenth birthday, the family even rented out a nice little restaurant for the day, and everyone had a ball. Until she and the other kids played hide-and-seek, that is. Akiko's first hiding place was the restaurant's walk-in freezer. It wasn't until about an hour later that she figured out that the door was broken and wouldn't open from the inside. Which sucked, since she'd shut it tight behind her. After a total of three hours in there, one of the cooks finally found her, frostbitten and freezing to the touch. This was an incident that would impact Akiko for the rest of her life by leaving her with a sharp frigophobia. However, even when fearful of the cold, Akiko's spirit seldom died down. While at home, Akiko spent a lot of time hanging out with her would-be manga artist of a father. As a result, a lot of Akiko's favorite animes are the ones her old man watched. Her art style sharpened with inspiration, and she became more enthusiastic about music. So to say, the anime she watched was most responsible for turning her into the artist/musician she is today. Fast-forward a few years, and Akiko graduated from high school in Kyoto. She had even started putting her art and music online, and what do you know, a few people liked it. Then, after graduation, Akiko made a decision. She was going to leave Kyoto and take life on with her own two hands. She began selling her music online, making just enough to get by with some miniscule help from home. Akiko vowed on the day she left Kyoto that she wouldn't return home until she finally made her dream come true; her dream to become an anime producer. No matter how long it takes, Akiko plans to live up to her promise. The first step? Learn to make a good plot. How to do that? Go to Todai University, major in literature, and join the anime club.[/hider] *KANSAI INTENSIFIES* [s]EDIT: I may or may not be modifying Akiko's bio sometime today or tomorrow. However, I won't be removing any events; just adding new ones.[/s] EDIT2: Did that; Akiko now has a bigger bio.