Raime's night had started off different to most other under Octave's employ namely because it started with him watching the trickle of guests entering the estate and keeping an eye out for fellow infiltrators or otherwise. Though watching from a rooftop covered in a thick, gray cloak was a much different circumstance but it would take someone far more observant than the average mercenary or agent to spot him on the poorly lit arch he sat looking much like a decorative stone figure. He was rather enjoying the weather and freedom of the interior where the party would take place getting to look out over the city from his vantage point when he felt he had a moment to spare. It would have appeared to be the most relaxing evening in Octave's service yet, though the two fast moving shadows converging on the western side of the mansion soon betrayed it. [i]Why would I expect a quiet night?[/i] Raime thought to himself with a great deal of exasperation. It looked like he was working for his pay again though these parties kept him rather busy, Octave did not disappoint his first impression as someone who had many enemies. Then again the two could be here for anyone at the party so he would simply find out for himself prompting him to get up from his perch and see where the figures entered from the side of the rather large building. His hunch was correct thinking they might set up along the ballroom's higher balcony which annoyed him slightly given how predictable these assassins were, discrediting the profession really with they're actions. It took only a moment to throw off his robe in a non-visible spot so he could move freely then he sprinted across the rooftop to just above the balcony where he gauged the height difference near instantly, a 15ft drop at the most. He walked to the edge of the rooftop and turned his back to the fall behind him letting go and adjusting himself mid fall to land on both hands and feet to stifle the sound of his landing on the balcony. Raime was on the two before they knew he was even there knocking out one with a decisive strike to the lower back of the first's skull, it would lead to swift unconsciousness, before having a knife just grazing the skin on the second's throat while pulling them back further out of sight of any of the more attentive guests. "Your employer and target?" Raime asked with a cold edge much like his knife to which he was given silence." Very well than I suppose your accomplice will give me what I want, Liema non tijet." He brought the soon to be dead assassin over the balcony where the man stabbed him, in much the same way he struck the assassin's compatriot, the blood would land in the well trimmed bushed below as well as the body which he would deal with later on in the night, he did not worry no guest would bother to be outside with an inside party normally however it would have to be dealt with once the guests left. He went back to the unconscious assailant, the smaller of the two by far, which upon inspect turned out to be a girl of 14 years at the most likely tagging along to learn of the trade as even assassins had betters to learn from. He shook her to consciousness looking her in the eye in much the same way as he spoke before to get his message of intimidation across without a word. "Your employer and target?" Raime asked once again quietly but without the same edge as he did with the older man who gave silence. "I-I-I do not know much. We wait for a signal near the end, three fingers to us and one pointing to the host." The girl said barely managing a coherent statement but just enough to get the information across. "Leave here as it is your contract or your life." He muttered quietly keeping in mind her slow, uncoordinated movements from his previous strike. "They are the same. This was my option out of dying for trying to steal coin." The girl said on what appeared to be the verge of tears spotting Raime's bloodied knife to his side. "Then stay if you believe you can recover and kill that who forced you. The host might pay you as such for dealing with a threat, if not hide further into the building until I appear to collect you." Raime said leaving the girl to make up her mind and he would find out at the end of the night either by an arrow or bolt to the heart of her former employer or a lack of presence on the particular balcony. The assassin left to change to more formal clothing through a servant entrance before appearing from beside Octave's 'throne' as a young nervous advisor who just came late and expected scolding. He thought the information would be of use to his employer and it might earn the girl a pardon for her forced work, he might be able to convince the man if necessary despite the nature of Octave. Raime would wait until he was addressed as to not incur suspicion of the previous events this was a specific order Octave had agreed to because who would expect the anxious advisor to be a masterful agent, especially one that appeared so incompetent. He had arrived just before the second dance which he used as time to scan the crowd picking out slaves, mercenaries, and a lack of disguised agents like himself. It was the sort of music he might hear at home during a festival which he would often attend even if his father could not, it brought back brief but good memories though you could never tell past his expression which was made to look like he was enthralled like many others.