Name: Elrik Karne Age: 20 Country/City of Origin: [b]Azyrki:[/b] Azyrki is a small town built into a singular granite mountain close to the World Scar mountain chain. Constantly assailed by strong, freezing winds blowing off from the World Scar as well as noxious vapors emanating from the nearby Twilight Swamp, it is a harsh, unforgiving land, widely notorious as a dark and sinister place, much like those who inhabit the town in their wretched houses and squalid hovels. Its relatively close distance to the Twilight Swamp means sunlight barely passes though the thick smog that hangs over the town and that most sources of water are tainted by its toxic influence. Those who brave these contaminated waters do so at great agony and peril: death or worse, mutation. However, it also means that these tainted water sources, whilst home to many baleful creatures, are rich in precious minerals and ores found in its silt and mud. Expansive subterranean labyrinths snake through the mountain, allowing a fair portion of the town's more powerful and richer denizens better access to cleaner water sources and relatively safer living quarters; its tunnel complex boasting a larger area than that of the town itself which is packed with numerous shops, taverns and residences. Business in Azyrki is said to be very cut-throat; espionage, sabotage and assassinations are considered common practices when doing business with Azyrkians. Status (Master, Slave, Free Man): Free man (former slave, self-liberated) Personality: Born and bred in the darkness of Azyrki, Elrik is a man who speaks not with words but with action. Emotionless, tactical, vicious and brutal, he is a formidable foe to contend against. Well versed in weaving lies and deceit, his only allegiance is to coin and himself and would not think twice about slitting a person's throat if it would benefit him even by a little. Appearance: Standing at 5'8", Elrik's wiry frame is built for speed and dexterity. Square-jawed and with rough-hewn features made prominent by a short stubble, his inky hair hangs unkempt down to his shoulders. He looks emaciated and is horribly scarred, a gaping orifice where his left cheek should be, with dark eye circles from long periods of sleep deprivation that accentuate the whites of his dark piercing eyes as they stare from sunken cheeks. A patchwork of scars, new and old, criss-cross his entire body which he oft hides with a well used travelling cloak. Reason for attending the party (This can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like, but I might need to know this): Elrik heard of a grand party being hosted which would be packed with fat merchants and nobles of bountiful riches just ripe for the picking. It was only right that he help relieve some of that heavy gold off their sore backs. Anything Else (This can be anything that you feel we should know, but does not fit in any other category): Ever since he could walk, Elrik bit, clawed, kicked, scratched, and struggled all the way through his miserable, sordid life. When he was 9, he caught the eye of a leading businessman when he stole a jug of water from the man's stash and managed struggle his way through two of his guards to escape back to his family. The businessman, Kfer Karne, tracked him down and promptly had Elrik's whole family killed before dragging Elrik back in chains and training him as a work-slave of sorts. Elrik was often sent to do Karne's dirty work as cheap, expendable fodder: stealing documents and items of great value, planting false information, assassinating rivals, etc. Many times he was sent with no hopes of returning alive, but returned alive he did, come success or failure despite numerous near-death experiences and each time he returned, his vengeance and hate only burned stronger. At the age of 18, Kfer summoned Elrik and promised him freedom if he would adopt his last name and swear never to attempt to take Kfer's life. The night Elrik was freed, he returned for Kfer and after dispatching his personal guards, let loose the other kid slaves on his prone, immobilized body. Since then, he has traveled around, searching for riches and bounty in hopes of filling the emptiness inside of him.