Firstly I am very sorry you lost your work Maxwell. That really sucks and has happened to me more times than I care to admit. :( [quote=Maxwell] Considerably better. I still think the towering goddess who can force people to like her smacks of wish fulfillment, and she's still going to stick out like a sore thumb. For the former, I guess we might see, and for the latter, that doesn't actually have any impact on the selection process, only on your in-game odds. [/quote] First off here, thank you for recognizing the work I did in revamping her personality and backstory. :) Secondly, Maxwell, after consideration I have decided you are right. I did make an error in making her have that 'perfect beauty'. I did not take into account that the physical appearance of her father as well as mother would be manifested in her end physical appearance and as a result she came out with literally a vaelie appearance stapled to some of the size of a lorenvolk. I have now gone back and edited her appearance as well as changing the references to her having extreme beauty in the sheet. I hope you will find her new appearance less wish fulfillment and more sensible. Could you let me know your thoughts on the appearance changes?