[hider=Location][img]http://pics2.city-data.com/city/maps/fr583.png[/img][/hider] [hider=NEA Baptist Hospital][img]https://ksise.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/01-nea-baptist-ext-1.jpg[/img] [img]http://ksise.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/02-nea-baptist-main-entry.jpg?w=457[/img][/hider] [hider=Arkansas State University][img]http://assets.inarkansas.com/37589/arkansas-state-university-entrance-asu-sign.jpg[/img][img]http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/media/gallery/photo/ASU_library_f.jpg[/img] [img]http://asunews.astate.edu/Ceremony.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.astate.edu/dotAsset/b28de2ea-2d00-4b40-a273-3e260e82e2c4.jpg[/img][/hider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonesboro, Arkansas – picturesque example of a growing city in the making. Everything was in the works for Jonesboro to grow to be the size of Memphis, Tennessee within several years, and being only an hour and a half drive away, the two almost melted together, as it was. The small city was one of the last to be overcome by the disease that struck the world. They were lucky, and they were sheltered by the ridge that surrounded them, but when the disease hit home, that ridge became their downfall. That ridge became a sort of barrier, keeping the dead in, and the living out. The living within? Food. With that luck, came an equal spout of bad luck. Memphis is already a place of devastation. Between the unemployment rate and the crime that plagues the city, people have been looking for an excuse to escape; to find something better and smaller. They finally found their reason, when the city was taken over in a matter of days. At first it was just weird attacks on the news: bath salts, children attacking cops and social workers, men and women eating their dogs in what seemed to be senseless violence. The mayor was murdered by one of his guards…who proceeded to eat much of his brain in the process. Then the violence became more immediate. It became more real. Humans who were being killed while looting were quickly reanimating, and attacking others. Hospital patients in the morgue began to rise up, filling the morgue to almost breaking point, terrifying the nurses and patients that walked by, hearing the growls and moans of the dead trapped within. Even worse was that the CDC had no idea what this was. The government wasn’t prepared. Hospitals that were renowned all over the world were not ready to deal with such a massive outbreak of a disease that seemed to not even be infecting the humans it killed. It was simply a harbored disease, and humans were its vector. The only point the medical professionals could make is that it was a virus. Viruses need a strict path to spread from vector to host, and back to vector. The dead rising up and moving, and possibly infecting others with their bite was a perfect example of this. However, the study was cut short, when the doctor on the case was infected, while attempting to extract saliva from one of his ‘subjects’. He later wiped out the entire lab area of the NEA Baptist hospital, adding to the chaos within. With Memphis overflowing, the refugees will reach the city in a week…or a bit more. The city will be plunged into chaos all over. Fires will destroy what is left of a once beautiful classic town of prosperity and the American Dream. This is the world we’re forced to live in. This is Jonesboro, after the dead. Can what’s left be saved? Can we come back from this madness? Can the world survive, or will it burn? [hider=Rules] 1) Don’t be rude. Just don’t be a dick and we’re cool. 2) No drama. I don’t want any arguing. Got a problem with someone, take it to PM. I will only warn once before I kick people out. 3) Post in a timely manner. I try to move my RP’s fast enough so that everyone can keep interest. If a RP sits and waits on a character for two weeks, it’s probably going to die. For that reason, post at least once every day or so, or let me know you won’t be posting so that we can either work around your character, or we can wait (if it’s not forever). 4) Don’t be stupid. Most of the deaths on this show happen because the person was completely idiotic with their decisions and went off on their own into a heavily populated walker area. Realistically, you can’t fight off fifty walkers, and you’re not going to be able to handle the entire horde on your own. If you get too far-fetched I will have to ask you to tone it down, or edit. 5) No overpowered characters. I hate them. Daryl is about as overpowered as I can handle, and they’ve toned him down a lot because I think people were beginning to get sick of him being invincible. Basically, it relates to rule 4. Don’t make your character this amazing shot that can shoot two guns with needle sharp precision while running down a hill and doing a barrel roll. Realistically, this is a city. There wouldn’t be a ton of people who would be able to do those things. However, this is Arkansas…everyone has guns here (I live here). 6) No modding. Don’t move characters without their permission. Don’t kill characters without their permission. You’re allowed to hit and do what you will, but you must wait on their reactions from THEM, not from what you imagine. 7) Finally, I’m the GM. If I ask you to do something…do it. I’m strict on character sheets and I ask that you know something about the Walking Dead before you join. Otherwise, you won’t understand some of the rules of the series, or the inside knowledge that others might know. It’s not fun for anyone, that way. Just…don’t be a dick, and let’s collaborate on good shit.[/hider] [hider=Character sheet template (erase parenthesis, or you will be denied – really…it’s not that hard)] Name: Age: Gender: Race: (if you enter human you are automatically denied) Appearance: (no anime, pics heavily preferred) Clothing: (be realistic, no futuristic nomad bullshit) Equipment: (see above) Weapons: (see above) Bio/Background: (this can be only a few sentences, just give us a rough idea of how they got to where they are) Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: [/hider]