Taza ignored the muscle bound twins and proceeded to follow Effie inside, he liked this girl she was respectful to him, down the stairs and into the accursed place, Taza's hair on the back of his neck stood on end and he felt like a cornered wolf but there was no threat nothing that would harm him or the others. The group stopped at a sign part way in and Effie read it aloud, but Taza couldn't quite understand what they mean by a "Empire of the dead." He had no idea why someone would want to make an empire out of the dead, much less people who died of illness. He shrugged and followed the rest of the group deeper inside. When Effie stopped he stopped even if others went on ahead he was like a lovesick puppy or her shadow, but he felt like he owed her for her respect, as not many people treated Natives with respect these days, they just used them to add onto their armies or to look nice, or to shove off to places that had barely any resources to live off of. When the group stopped at the six tunnels and lit it up a little bit Taza was deciding which one to go down, when all of the lights went out and threw them in complete darkness, Taza's heart raced a million miles a minute but he was on the ball he threw his bag down and opened up the right pocket and pulled out a clumping of sage and lavender and a match and struck it. The little clump went up casting a little light and also filling the tunnel with the smell of sage, an almost peaceful scent "In my culture sage and lavender smoke helps repress any ill will towards someone from evil spirits or bad luck." He said fanning the smoke towards Effie and her brother and then the rest of the group. "Perhaps i should of done this before we went down into the dark." He said.