[b]Jay Ahn [ Squad 18][/b] Peter Sakes was the only name Jay recognized in his squad. Peter also lived in the same district as him, except Jay had never talked to the other since the two surprisingly never crossed path. Well, he had Noelle to thank for that ever since he got into a rather nasty fight with a couple of town bullies. ON the other hand, Mika Smyth was a complete stranger. Jay listened to his beloved instructor bark out a few more names before grabbing the given equipment. Once he doubled checked everything, he headed back to grab a few more things. He went back to the barracks and grabbed his bag as he stuffed a sleeping bag, a small knife, and a canteen into it. Jay then fastened on his 3DMG, fumbling a bit here and there (he blamed his nervousness!) before walking out to meet his other squad members. As he approached the stables, he spotted a girl already there. “Hi there,” he brightly greeted. “Are you Mika?” ----- [b]Noelle Ahn [Squad 19][/b] Unfortunately, Noelle was not familiar with the names in her squad. Her eyes lifted to the sky before closing them, taking a few shallow breaths. Wonderful, it was time to make some new friends. She had honestly hoped she would be in the same squad as Mika, but her brother already took that spot. Actually, she would have preferred to be in the same squad as Jay, just so she could make sure he wasn't making any…reckless decisions. Should she warn Mika about her brother’s…erratic thinking? Well, Mika would figure it out soon enough. A sigh escaped her lips as she grabbed the given equipment before wandering into the barracks. She quickly equipped her 3DMG after packing a sleeping bag with a small journal and a pencil tucked into it. It would be nice if she sent a letter to her father after this training exercise. If only Jay would just sit down for a few minutes and write. She walked back out of the barracks, her head in the clouds as she headed towards the stables. It was around 8:58 AM when Noelle reached the designated location. There was already a growing crowd around the building, leaving the girl hopelessly lost. She didn’t know what her squad members looked like… So she just went up to random people, poking them to get their attention. “Thomas Erhart? Jean-Paul Martin?”