As Randy shot, propelled by her grappling hook, toward the monstrous Grimm, Abel jolted. His first instinct was to join her attack and help her, even though they were on different teams, but his logic kicked in quickly enough. Without any sort of mobility except for his own legs, there was no hope of catching up to her. He marveled briefly at the strength of a grappling line that could hoist a girl in all that armor so quickly. Besides, he reasoned, she seemed confident that she could take the basilisk, even though she was a girl. Abel watched, Ampere at the ready, as she drove her weight upon it. As he had guessed, it didn't do much to the beast, and now she was in grave danger. Luckily, it seemed that her teammate had it all figured out. With her retreat covered by a deluge of searing sparks, Randy got away wound-free. While that was good, Abel mentally bemoaned the fact that they'd need dozens such miracles to escape this kerfuffle unscathed. The jackhammer-toting guy, after receiving orders from Randy, turned to Abel. He blinked confusedly; was it already time for everyone to start yelling and running at the basilisk? Over the growls of the Grimm, Abel listened to the other boy as best he could. “Yeah, sure. You lead, maybe punch a hole with your thingie there. I can drive my blade deep into whatever you open up.” He tensed himself to run.