[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/20hoia1.png[/img][/center] [i]This is my submission! It's a shadow box of sorts; I started off with an old Christmas present box in which I tarnashed both the inside and outside; with various paints and papers. The spiderwebs are remnants of the hot glue I used to put down the small miniature chair I had made at a previous date in time. The skull is a bead that broke off from one of my bracelets. Dirt on the floor is pencil shavings! The picture in the back is one of those pictures that they have in pictures frames as a stock photo when they sell them (I thought it was kind of spooky). All in all, it was about the aging of a house and the person who once lived there. Plus a little bit of Halloween spirit (: [/i]