[center][i]Our Pack leader[/i][/center] Name: Vivian Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Alpha Playbed by: Rizzi Age: 569 [center][i]The Vampire[/i][/center] Name: William Species: Vampire Pack Rank: Fourth Played By: Rizzi Age: 571 [center][i]The Walker[/i][/center] Name: Hide Species: Walker (Raven) Pack Rank: Ninth Played By: Mayadere Age: 22 [center][i]The Witch[/i][/center] Name: Crystal Species: Witch Pack Rank: Sixth Power: Make blood disappear, repair broken objects, and defensive magic Played By: Both Age: 57 [center][i]The Half Fae[/i][/center] Name: Esma Species: Half- Fae Half-Human Pack Rank: Third Played by: Mayadere Age: 45 [center][i]The Werewolves[/i][/center] Name: Rowland Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Second-in-command Played By: Both Age: 613 Name: Darren Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Omega Played By: Both Age: 247 Name: Rossale Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Seventh Played By: Both Age: 456 Name: Bethany Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Eighth Played By: Both Age: 17 Name: ‘Scooter’ Species: Werewolf Pack Rank: Fifth Played By: Both Age: 355 [center][i]Pack Knowledge:[/i][/center] [list] [*]Order of Joining the Pack: Vivian, Rossale, Rowland, Darren, Scooter, Will, Esma, Crystal, Hide, then Bethany[/*] [*]Vivian and William are siblings.[/*] [*]Scooter is deaf because of human interference. No one really know’s what happened and he has not bothered to tell anyone how it happened yet.[/*] [*]Hide has no living blood-relatives, he is very dependant on the pack.[/*] [*]Bethany has only been a werewolf for half a year, so she loses her temper a lot and still has trouble controlling her wolf. [/*] [*]Esma has little contact with her human mother. She talks to her fae father frequently though.[/*] [*]Darren is easily scared by large groups of wolves, especially dominant ones.[/*] [*]Crystal is still leaning her defensive powers, so in battle her spells are limited.[/*] [*]William was the first non-werewolf Vivian accepted into the pack. The sibling bond they share showed the strength Vivian has as an alpha. Enough power to pull in non-werewolves into the pack using the pack magic.[/*] [*]Rossale was the first member of Vivian’s pack after she had been a lone wolf for a hundred years.[/*] [/list]