Ariadne was now regretting her sudden stripping. [I][B]'You are poikilothermic, Ari. That's the only thing you shouldn't forget when in a foreign land...'[/B][/I] She rubbed both of her arms, trying to warm herself up as she walked. She was trembling because of the cold, and she felt like sneezing, actually... [B]"Achoo!"[/B] The girlish sneeze that came out of her made some of the guys turn around and look perplexedly at her. The way she sneezed was almost like that of a puppy that is still getting accustomed to the cold. [B]"I should hurry, or I'll hibernate here."[/B] She continued rubbing her arms as she walked. No more kisses for the boys now that she was feeling like she was about to freeze over. Then, she felt something coming towards her. Her reflexes were more than enough to dodge such a simple projectile, however, right now.... The snowball hit Ari full in the face. After removing the snow from her face and leaving only an annoyed look on her face. She turned her head around to try and discover who had done that. Nothing. [B]"Achoo!"[/B] Yet another sneeze. She felt a chill going down her spine. The blue haired girl tried to pick up the pace, but her legs felt numb. She also regretted not having any kind of winter wear, being that all the year around in her hometown, it is always sunny. She started looking to her sides, trying to find someone who could lend her their coat or something. [B]"I should have taken some feathers from the bird. Achoo!... I'm gonna catch a cold at this rate."[/B] Suddenly, she heard someone. Someone calling her scales. [B]"Yo, scales!"[/B] A girl said, putting herself beside Ari.... and here, Ariadne was thinking she was lightly dressed. [B]"Need help finding the main hall? I'll carry your bags."[/B] She extended her hand... Well, if she was offering herself, Ari wasn't about to say no. She took her bag and put it on the girl's hand. It wasn't extremely heavy, no, but it still carried quite some weight. [B]"Then, I'll take you up on your offer. Actually, could you share some of your summer with me? I could really use some."[/B] She said in an slightly sarcastic tone, regarding the girl's clothes. This girl.... What was she? Her teeth were rather pointy and she was extremely lightly dressed, but not in a way Ari would dress for seducting someone or anything, more like, military? She didn't care, though. Ari smiled at her, showing off her large canines. [B]"And my name isn't 'Scales', it's Ariadne."[/B] She said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. [I][B]'Ugh, no good. I can't feel my legs. Maybe...'[/I][/B] Letting herself fall down over the girl, she put her arm around her and near her ear, Ari whispered; [B]"Hey, can you carry me? I really, really could use the help."[/B] She said, in a slightly seducing way. She just hoped the girl wouldn't leave her there and decide to walk away on her own. Plans can backfire like that sometimes.