Shen Huanglong [url=]The Yellow Dragon God[/url] --- The chill of winter mountain wind bit at Shen's exposed skin as he walked towards the edge of the ten square kilometer property of his family. The snow was deep and there was naught but the light of the moon to light his way. The snow crunching between his feet and the sounds of wildlife were the only things accompanying him as he ran through the ten square kilometer land of the Huanglong. The young man slowed his steps. The only grounded means to enter - or exit - lay just before him, leading down into a valley, through woodland, and then, apparently, civilization. But he didn't need to go that far. For from the heavens a majestic beast, a combination of lion and eagle, descended from the sky and landed before him, waiting for its rider. Shen looked back, lights from the buildings on the estate stared back at him from the sea of blackened white of snow and night. Pleasant memories weren't abundant, but he still had a duty to his family didn't he? Could he really call this the right decision, to take the name of his brother and depart solely to prove a point? Shen clenched his fist and turned his head away. Of course he could. This was the best decision. They couldn't allow such things as tradition and all-encompassing concerns about magical virility control them, when the mages of the modern world managed with the meager mana they could call their own! And what of the ways of the non-magical? They'd managed to create instruments that could be considered on par with certain magics with nothing more than ingenuity and brute, physical labor! Yes, this was serving his family in his own way. He [i]needed[/i] to show them that their ways couldn't - [i]wouldn't[/i] work forever. That they had to adapt, not endure. And to do that, he had to get on the griffin. [center]***[/center] Shen decided he did not like flying. Maybe it was the fact that he had an innate connection to the ground. Or maybe because the griffin saddle just was not that comfortable. Or maybe it was because they were going at an utterly absurd speed towards a rip in space. Or maybe because it was a new, foreign experience. Or maybe it ...What was that middle one again? Uncomfortable seating? Nevertheless, it looked like it was finally over. Looming in the distance was a large building, unlike what Shen had ever seen before. The architecture was sleek, there looked to be many students arriving as well, there- [url=](Alternative Mood Music)[/url] "SLOWSLOWSLOWSLOWSLOW!" ....Well, when one finds themself hurtling towards a courtyard - no, a [i]battlefield[/i], upon which an army of a hundredfold had gathered, in which dragons of frost had been called forth to do battle, one tends to be at a loss of words as they try to comprehend what exactly brought them to that situation. Unfortunately, Shen didn't have time for that, as he was busy pouring a great deal of his mana into reinforcing his and the griffin's body for the inev- [i]POOF![/i] ...itable impact. A cold, fluffy impact. The Yellow Dragon hast slain the snow dragon, [s]like the prophecy foretold[/s]. Now he just had to deal with the nine others in his way. Once again. Shen did [i]not[/i] like flying. Quickly he moved his right arm to brace for impact while the other shot out, firing a blast of flame. The searing lion-eagle and rider tore through the remaining dragons like a dragonslaying spear of flame, like a majestic star come crashing from the heavens, killing the dinosaurs. Except this time they were on fire and distinctly not dying of an ice age. And they were dragons, not dinosaurs. However, instead of celebrating victory, the only thing on Shen's mind - or rather his face - was a snow drift. "...Ow."