“Well, that room only had villains in it, from what I could see. Mythos is a hero?” Lydia looked puzzled. “and yeah, why else would I have come?” She looked at a servant. “Can I request drinks from these people? like… if I wanted a diet pepsi, could they just magically conjure me up a diet pepsi?” she’d never had servants before or known anyone who did, so it was an interesting concept. “... And no. I don’t fight Adrian. And I don’t enjoy myself. …” she looked up when Adrian entered, waving a hand at him. “Believe it or not,” she said, annoyed. “I overslept. Then I got up and I was going to rush over here, but I thought, why look like shit? The party will still be here.” She eyed Dillon. “Your girlfriend’s cute. Where’d you find her at?” she started walking towards the back of the mansion, looking around for the heroes room. “I wouldn’t have come tonight, but I still plan on punching Mythos right in his cock holster for that embarrassment he showed me today.”