Leo heard the sound of chanting and turned round, seeing the two ice mages he narrowed his eyes. This would get interesting. Dropping his bags on to the now clear ground he took a few steps forward and grinned, Such long spells, so easy to understand. Snow dragons. Drawing Brahak he held it lazily in one hand, the massive magi-tech weapon folding out in to its scythe configuration with his free hand he drew the Mana Lance and twisted the dial, the LED lit up a glowing red. The barrel of the Mana Lance steamed in the air as water condensed on the cold metal then was instantly vaporized by the machinery converting Unattuned mana to Flame magic. Flicking the switch on Brahak the blade was wreathed in crackling blue fire. “Come on then, Lets see what the old world can do.” He said under his breath, razing the Mana Lance to the angle at which he expected the Dragons to approach from. The dragons were created, Leonardo made in to a combat crouch ready to unleash hell and then return fire. And then there was a screaming monk and a griffin, on fire, hurtling through the dragons. “I..what?” Leonardo managed and lowered his weapons, using the lance to turn what was left of the last dragon to so much superheated steam. Flicking Brahak back to inactive and folding it up he holstered the lance, leaving it on the selected element and walked over to the crashed monk, pulling him out the snow. “Well, That was unexpected.” He managed brushing the dust of the other student. “I’m Leonardo Alexandrus Gladston.” He said introducing himself with his full name, holding out the hand that didn’t have a massive weapon in it.