[center]Ralthavar Marchosias [/center] --- And while the offending student ([b]Leonardo[/b]) thought he had escaped, he was attacked by a large gang of orcs armed with packed bricks of snow. They attacked him as he was introducing himself to another person, laying brick upon brick of snow onto his body before leaving. And just as quickly as it happened, the orcs were mostly gone. The only one who remained was Ralthavar, who was directing the other orcs to the assembly hall after he slammed his brick onto the offending student. [b]"To the assembly hall, leg it!"[/b] The orcs quickly began to file into the assembly hall, throwing parting snow balls any which direction with Ralthavar covering their rear. The orcs final parting gift was the rest of the snow they had gathered. Frosk and Sheol used their magic to freeze the ball into a large ball of ice, the same size as it was before. And this giant ball of ice came crashing down to the ground below, something after most of the orcs ran into the assembly hall, laughing all the way. Perhaps not he best first impression, but they were defending themselves. Plus it allowed most of the orcs to work off their pent up energy and the need to hit something, so at least they managed to get their willies worked out using that snow ball fight. [center]Mariam Machina[/center] --- Sufficient to say, what happened was [i]weird[/i] people getting naked, explosions, snow ball fights... Mary was very excited and regret that she wasn't able to get involved. She and Biggy strode through the chaos and headed towards the Assembly hall, which had doors big enough for Biggy to go through without any problems. She had to be careful not to step on anyone, including the massive rush of orcs who now flooded the entrances. [b]"Ah, hey! There are too many people here right now!"[/b] Mary wanted to move forward, but in doing so she'd flatten just about everyone underfoot. She signed and simply wanted for the line to move on, hopefully without anyone trying to start another fight.