It still needs a bit of tweaking but I finally finished it, after it decided to delete itself several times. [hider=Wylia] [img][/img] Name: Wylia Junalie Age: 18 Personality: Whether it is to be expected or not; Wylia is fairly spiritually aligned with water. While she is understanding and compassionate, she is also calm, often to the point of indifference. She chooses her friends carefully and considers no one to be her enemy. Although she is not easy to anger, her unchecked rage is a scary thing to behold. Wylia has a great ability to act, provided she wants to. She has a different image towards the public, who believes she is energetic, kind hearted, modest, and very expressive. History: Wylia was born into a normal family, though she seemed to understand her importance from a very young age. She quickly gained popularity through the act she put on for the people. She does not particularly care for this position though she knows trying to rid herself of it would cause issues. This popularity isolated her to some extent, she was considered above others, too special for normal people. This treatment even effected her parents, they would have let her do what ever she wanted, Wylia was too amazing to be denied of any anything. This isolation started to make her bitter, and it would have gotten much worse if it were not for a green eyed boy who didn't seem to give a damn about who she was. His name was Fien and he dreamed of living on the surface. They met each other when they were both about 7 years old. Fien was probably the only person Wylia didn't have to act around. He could read the emotions others missed and they were close friends up until he left. Fien had always been scheming about living on the surface, Wylia never imagined he would go through with it until he just vanished. His disappearance was a few months before the political party incident and she has been looking for him ever since. Rank: Golden eyes Power: Hydrokinesis Stance on whether or not to retaliate against the Mundanes(Reason Why): Wylia has made it very clear to the public she intends to avenge the political party however, in reality she doesn't particularly care but appreciates the chance she has to search for Fien.[/hider]