Leonardo sighed, the sound of approaching orks was pretty hard to miss. “Hold on a moment,” he said turning back round, taking the first lump of snow to the face he took a step back, shook his head and reactivated the flames on Brahak the first swing smacked the nearest ork round the head with the blunt of the blade, sending him on to his ass and buying Leonardo the room he needed to draw the mana lance, several precise, less than a second bursts turned most of the snow in the orks hands and under them in to superheated steam, scolding flesh and causing clothes to become sodden with searing water. Spinning Brahak round he tilted his head, “So, You think its funny to attack someone with their back turned. You know what else is funny…..” He trailed off, twisting the dial on the Mana lance. The LED flashed blue. “Water and lightning.” The air around the orks, full of steam, their clothes sodden, when he pulled the mana lances trigger again, the entire area flashed with Electricity. If you weren’t either running, or behind Leo at this point, or generally out the way, you were probably praying that your lower half still worked after this. “Typical first years.” He grumbled “Have no idea when enough is enough. At this rate the headmaster is going to give me a detention in the first week AGAIN.” He looked at the orks and then at the mages. “I have 45 seconds of charge left, that is enough energy to vaporize any ice you can create. And then some. I have 2 more fully charged clips, plus Brahak plus another weapon.” He twisted the dial on the Mana Lance again, this time he’d changed it to Kinetic energy. “Run.” He said and pulled the trigger, anyone that the beam connected with would probably be sent flying, it wasn’t impact, but it imparted a large amount of kinetic energy away from the beam in a single direction. He held it for a second or so before twisting the dial back to fire with his thumb. “Right, who’s stupid idea was it to go this overboard with a snowball fight?” Leo asked, Brahak still in scythe form, still aflame with bright blue fire. “because when the shit comes down I’d like someone to blame rather than 100 or so passed out orks!”