[u][b]Leah - The road - Jessalyn, Abram, Samantha, Turisa[/b][/u] Leah nodded and followed with Abram as he lead her towards his friend, thankful that he was helping to support her leg as they moved. When she met the women with her baby Leah gave a smile which widened slightly as she spoke, she seemed nice and a little comforting at the same time, as if it were a natural part of her being, although she guessed mothers tended to have that kind of effect. "Nice to meet you, and, thank you for helping me" she said to both of them, her tone trailing down in tone as she seemed apologetic that they'd use their time for her. Abram then helped her to the side of the road, taking a look at her leg as he took off the bandage she'd done herself a while back. She had to admit she was surprised he hadn't asked her if it was a bite, but then she had to guess his medical expertise would tell him enough from looking at it. She grimaced as he said she'd messed it up pretty bad and let out a small pained sound as he treated it before redressing her leg. It stung but it looked allot better than the blood stained bandage she'd had on a second ago. Leah thought about how it happened after he'd asked her, and opened her mouth to explain to him about it before he yelled to get off the road. She jumped and before she knew it she was on the bank being covered by Abram. Leah noticed Jess hadn't made it and saw that the car wasn't stopping, "No! stop!" she yelled and had attempted to move from Abram before the car swerved and narrowly missed the women with her son. Leah quickly got to her feet and limped forwards to make sure they were alright, her heart racing from worry which calmed as she saw they were alright. But then she noticed another women had arrived and she had a gun which caused Leah to draw her own. She didn't say anything, unsure what to do and so she looked to Abram for what they should do now.