{{Assume this is just before the ceremony because I didn't want to power play characters... My next reply will cover the reaction to the ceremony and whatever immediately after it.}} [center][b]Dagny[/b][/center] Scales—er, Ariadne—handed her bag to Dagny, who tested the weight in her hand for a moment before bringing her hands together, carrying both hers and the other girl’s belongings in one hand. At the comment, she looked down at herself and shrugged in a pseudo-modest gesture. “I’ve got an internal heater, Ariadne,” she explained vaguely, making a point to use the girl’s name. “Guess you could say I’m pretty hot,” she followed up with a wink. When the girl suddenly and quite literally fell into her arms, Dagny blinked and struggled to keep her upright with one arm for a moment. There was breath on her neck and she suddenly tensed as if about to be bitten with those fangs—not that they would do much—but wasn’t exactly relieved by the whisper on her ear instead. She felt her face heat up and she had to swallow smoke that threatened to escape her throat. “I-I’m already carrying your bag,” she pointed out after clearing her throat. Nonetheless, she managed to shift her weight, allowing the bags to slip onto her wrist by the loops. Then, she scooped up Ariadne with ease, a hand supporting her back and the other her legs. Although in most circumstances, Dagny would refuse to play pack mule, this was a good chance to show off her strength—something that very few species between both Earth and Lucis could rival. “Better?” she checked in, grinning cockily as she followed the flow of students to the hall to listen to the speech. [center] __________________________________________ [b]Loreal[/b][/center] “Oh, no, she’s fine. I love animals,” Loreal assured as he defended his cat’s attitude. She clearly wasn’t any ordinary cat, however, and Loreal wondered if she was a daemon or familiar of some sort. The boy then crouched to pick up her luggage and she grinned. “That’s actually what I was going to ask you about,” she admitted though she didn’t seem particularly shameful of it. “I brought too much stuff again, I think… “As for where we’re going, I just follow the other students. I just know we’re going to the main hall,” she suggested. She walked with the fellow student, her eyes following the flow of students into the hall and directed the two of them in that direction as he carried her things. Jeremiah was a cute name and she made a mental of that. “I’m Loreal,” she answered, fixing her hair before shoving her fingers into the warmth of her pockets. Once inside the main hall, she thanked him for his help with her bags.