Osla watched the situation unfold, frankly she'd never seen a bipedal dog waltz into a bar and join an adventuring party either, but she wasn't nearly as shocked as Ernst was. He practically unsheathed his blade there and then and made the new ally into a fur coat for the winter. She quickly stood up after 'Marcopolo' as he liked to be called began dishing out insults."Whoah, calm down, fellas." She quickly put down her tankard and got in the middle of the two."Now isn't the time to be fighting, especially not with swords, otherwise you would have to take it outside, not a bar fight otherwise." She looked to them both."Now as for no one being able to stop you, Fido, I'm pretty certain if I couldn't jam my sword in between your ribcage before you murder this lad then the other fine blokes and lassies who I guarantee are just as skilled as me in their respective fields of weaponry would be more than able to take you down individually or as a group" Her expression had turned from a jovial one to a serious one very quickly. She had just used quite a few complex and longish words in that threat, well complex for a barbarian anyway.