[center] Ayaka [/center] ----------------------- “Thank you sweet Jesus.” Ayaka murmured in tasteful desperation as the snowball’s victim slipped away, leaving her and his food. Her hand burrowed into the bag, nearly tearing its confinement’s as she begun stuffing her mouth. She chewed the beef with her canines among her human teeth whilst her eyes fluttered closed out of enjoyment of the deliciously made food. …pepper…sweet hickory barbque…salty…..Venison. This Raule man knows how to eat. Unfortunately [s] (for Raule)[/s], the women ate like an animal. After all, she was partially one in her other form. Strippers, announcements, more arrivals, and snowballs ensure the campus would be rather lively and chaotic….yet time stopped for her as she quickly chewed ½ of the bag away within seconds. “Oh…This campus is actually quite exciting. The snowfight was a wonderful icebreaker the have elites planned!” The oblivious women slipped the leftovers into her bag after realizing her new friend was swept away in battle. While she may have appreciated the generous donation of the whole bag, she wanted to at least leave them man some crumby pieces, the ones that were always-too-salty because they were in the bottom of the bag type ones. “W-wait, don’t leave. I still have your stuff?” Ayaka, with a full mouth, lurched forwards after Raule, whom has made split second choices to halt. Ayaka yelped before she made impact with the man, carelessly hurling both of them to the frozen floor. He may have avoided being hit by a snowball but karama and an air-headed, nervous first year came for him instead. Not only had she caused an accident but she had “gifted” him with a face full of breast… Specifically a breast plate. The blonde women jolted upright, to her dismay straddling the poor man. A few seconds of silence insisted peace upon the girl, suddenly broken by her short cry and reddening cheeks. “Oh….no.” With a gasp, she grasped her cheeks grasps her cheeks in horror “I haven’t e-even been here a minute and I vandalized another First y-…” The women’s long apology came to a halt. She may as well have been a chameleon, now her skin became as pale as snow upon an easy to come by realization. “Hey. Your eyes are…cool. They’re just like mine. Anyways, i vandalized a fifth year.” Ayaka accepted her nonchalant words with a nod, while her brain finally caught up to realization of the situation. “A f-fifth…” Every cell of every bone in her body felt faint. maybe She would have fainted if she wasn’t hauling ass out of the scene, leaving the man beef jerky-less and a silver fox, her animal, which quietly had slipped out of her bag to avoid being crushed between the student’s bodies. The Fox, swallowed up by the vast campus, stared at Raule, its eyes accusing the man with elf-like ears of its separation from Ayaka. Nevertheless, the fox’s questioning stare wondered if the man was okay, holding some unknown intelligence about its expression. Ayaka rushed into the grandhall and filed behind the horde of orcs near the behind the sections. With racing thoughts and a possible fifth year mad man coming, of course she ended up in the wrong section but still receiving the main point, minus the crazed leader’s rants of the speech, after acquiring answers from the others around her. “…A partner, huh…?” She pondered as she chewed on her bottom lip and twiddled the end of her whip deep in thought.