Izzy gave gave Kevin and Noah a very flirtatious smile, "Yeah, a ringmaster. Like it?" She said. She dropped her right hip slightly to maintain an enticing pose, taking off her fake top-hat to show off her recently dyed red hair. Isabella wasn't normally like this, her flirtatious attitude, her sociability, even her the way she was talking, it was all product of the whiskey her and her friends drank on the way here. Of course, being intoxicated, she didn't care what she was saying and all her social filters were off. she looked over at Noah, and replied to his comment, "Isabella." She said informatively. She let out a small drunken chuckle after puffing on the smoke Noah gave her, just after her chuckled she had a temporary loss of balance, stumbling a bit. She regain her stance after a second or two only to be served with caution by Kevin, "Naaaahhhhh! Forget water, and forget sitting down." She said, slurring her words and everything, "I was standing almost the whole time I was drunk, minus the car ride. If you drink and get drunk standing, laying down or sitting down can give you the spins. I [b]suck[/b] at dealing with the spins, almost always puke." She admitted. "Now that you mentioned it guys, I am getting a bit chilly. But I don't c-care, if I put something on, no one'll see my sexy outfit!" She said joyfully, the effects of the whiskey making her slurred speech hard to hear.