Shen Huanglong [url=]Welcome to the Academy of Arcane Artes, Fleshbag[/url] --- "*Fweh*" Shen sounded as he spat out snow that had gotten into his mouth during the crash. Speaking of which, hopefully the griffin got out alright. The Asian looked around his general vicinity. ...Huh, that was peculiar. The griffin wasn't laid out on the ground, headfirst in a snowdrift like he was... Shen looked up, and there she was, as beautiful and as slightly crispy as he had last seen her. No wonder she'd - she? He'd been calling it a 'she', but what was it even? - had decided to drop him off. Literally. [i]'Okay then,'[/i] he thought, waving goodbye to the magical beast. Now to turn to the young fellow who had decided to- Oh my. He was out for blood. And distinctly covered in snow. ...Maybe best to get out while he had the chance. "Yes, thank you for helping me Mr., ah, Leonardo Alexander Gladstone," Shen said with a bow, "but I must be... departing now." And so he did. Best to get out of that before it escalated. And lucky he did, because it definitely did escalate. Now where was the main hall he was supposed to go to... [center]***[/center] Shen blinked twice in his seat. Well that was certainly an interesting speech by an equally interesting headmaster! And that talk of partners... Maybe he'd get to meet a modern mage, or perhaps a regular human! He'd never met either before... OR maybe a new race he hadn't seen? The options ran through his head as he funneled out of the hall along with the rest of the student body. He stopped in place. If his family was outdated... Did that mean their social practices were as well? That Leonardo Alexander Gladstone fellow sure seemed fairly in line with their beliefs, but what if he was a pariah? Was that why he was getting into a fight with that hundredfold army of orcs? If so, then maybe Shen shojld just keep his mouth shut and gaze averted until someone instigated. Yes, that would be the safest option. At least until he figured out proper modern social ettiquette.