Ame nodded "fine" he answered his defalt tone of voice; neutral. '[i]Strange, why do I feel an even greater desire to preform well? It's not like I haven't done any retrieval training before. Sure I'll be faced with more hostility, based on what I've heard...but still, it doesn't make sense.[/i]' Suddenly, Ame had an epiphany '[i]It's because of her; Willow. She's why I want to so well. I want to prove to myself that this strange allergy of mine won't hider me in battle. Like when I was recovering from that broken leg.[/i]' Ame nodded, feeling satisfied with his conclusion '[i]yes, that makes a great deal of sense. Although for me to take so long to figure it out...father was indeed right; I still have a long ways to go if I have this much trouble understanding my inner thoughts[/i]' --- "Yay! My first ever adventure, and it's with Best Friend Lupus!" After Monado finished savoring his single piece of toast. "Not only that, but we get to stay here. Somebody hit me! I need to know that I'm not dreaming!" Ame hit him with a light Bubble attack "Gah! That hurt...that means that this is all real! I've never been so happy to feel pain! Thank you water guy" Ame simply nodded. Sliding back onto his Best Friend Lupus' back and wraping his sash around him, he said "I'm so ready for this I think I might explode!" He began to quiver in excitement