Skip smiled as he held the door open for the lady. He smiled bigger when Ashland thanked him. "Of course." He followed her onto the street. "Where to?" "Few blocks." She said, letting Skip catch up. "You a showgirl?" Skip awkwardly tried to start some conversation after a few moments of silence. "Yeah. I guess you could say that. Mostly just the smaller skits. They call me in when they need a 'cute, innocent' girl." She chuckled. "I am by no means either." "Hardly. I'd say more like pretty. As for your innocence, I cannot speak." Skip smiled a little. "Well thank you kindly." Ashland gave a half-curtsie and grinned. She laughed. "Anytime." Skip laughed too. Wind blew off the water. It was a cool wind. There would be a storm that night. Skip could hear the waves angrily battering the shore. He could smell the mixture of salt water and storm clouds. He hoped he could make it home before it started. "So, where do you live?" Ashland broke the silence this time. "Other side of town." Skip said, rubbing the back of his head as he realized he wasn't going to make it before the storm hit and he'd left the car at home. "Yikes. That's quite a long walk." Ashland made a mock concerned face. "You have a car?" Skip nodded. "At home." "Well it's not doing you any good over there, now is it." Ashland turned around and walked backwards so she could face Skip. "It's gonna rain. Why don't you sit and have a drink with me for a while." "I guess I don't have much of a choice." Skip chuckled. He knew what she was up to. She was obvious. She wanted him. She giggled and came to walk beside him again. She took his arm and held it tight, the beaded tassels of her dress raking up against his pant leg.