Noah gave small grin at Izzy before looking away a bit embarrassed. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't.." He whistled impressed at all the girls that Blake left inside. "You know it man. I ain't exactly the partying type maybe i would be though if I could pull off what you just did." He gave a small smirk as he took one last drag of his cigarette. "Especially wearing something like that." Noting the ridiculous looking Nemo costume he was wearing. He flicked the cigarette onto the ground and stomped it out. "Well this turned out to be a pretty uneventful night. Just like I thought." -------------------------------- The Mummy staggered around inside the crowded house groaning lowly as he walked. After Noah and Kevin had noticed he was gone he had made his way back into the house. Had they bothered to check on him when he was face down in the buses they would've noticed he had died then. Once inside he had managed to kill five people and bite three others before they pulled away, everyone being too drunk and preoccupied to see, and the music being too loud for anyone to really hear the screaming. Anyone who did happen to catch a small glimpse at the act was calmed as soon as they saw the victims rise back onto their feet a couple minutes later. Within ten minutes he had already infected a third of the party without anyone noticing and yet he was still hungry. On instinct he trudged back towards the front door to go for the people he saw outside. As for the rest of the house, once one of Mummy's victims started mauling the DJ killing the mood, music and...well the DJ, did everyone see what the hell was going on. The ensuing panic just made everything worse, the screaming and scrambling seeming to excite the corpses to action even more. The party was soon enough turning into a massacre. While the group in the front yard were about to be reunited with their old mummy friend they were first approached by[url=] three very special trick-or-treaters[/url]. Ally and Derek in the back were about to find themselves greeting [url=]a couple dozen new guests[/url] courtesy of the graveyard a couple miles behind the house. ------------------------------- [youtube]0Ly4611uL6Q[/youtube]