[i][u]Nicholas Philip Raynor, & Sylvia Lana Bertoose[/u][/i] Silently staring at the situation, sat a young man, apparently looked over and missed by everyone else. Which is fair, he was fairly invisible for the most part, mostly having been playing with what looked like some sort of gaming hand-held to avoid most of the situation, though admittedly he had looked up to watch the fight, a bit too nervous to outright intervene, especially in this kind of place. His abilities couldn't really hold a candle to these guys. After all, they had all kinds of devastating abilities and he...what? Could heal people? Not like he minded it, though. He just knew he would be ready for an extra-hard beating if something went down that he -had- to interfere in. Ugh. Its not like he was completely oblivious to the situation, though. While he had been focusing his eyes on the gaming media, his ears had been listening closely, and just the entire situation had been more offensive and aggressive than he had ever wanted to be. It seemed everyone in the room was hostile or misunderstanding. Maybe coming here -wasn't- the smartest idea in this little world of his. He eventually closed up the small gaming system, which was blue in color, before opening up what was a brown backpack on the floor next to him and sneaking it into one of the backpack's many compartments before zipping it up, his blue eyes looking up as Adam walked in. Oooh dear. Oh dear. Well, at least as long as Adam hadn't figured out that -someone- had skipped the first power-based training session. But who could blame Nicholas? He was scared of just a small amount of these fellows fighting. An entire group was monstrous to think about. Still...he had to keep his cool. He couldn't be cooped up in here forever. Still, watching the pretty boy and the big jack-ass fight told him what to expect, and it wasn't pretty. But it wasn't like he could forget who had stood on the sidelines and almost facilitated...nay, -seemingly enjoyed- the fight and its outcome. The young lady with the one eye. He may not be part of big groups often, but just from experiences in the past, he knows how to spot someone manipulative. She was smart, alright...or maybe it was just coincidental and she just enjoyed it. All the same, he didn't necessarily like it, but she was the only person here he could talk to, to -not- look like he wasn't supposed to be here or like he was someone to talk to by Adam. He turned towards Sylvia, standing up as his blue jeans hung lazily to his legs, looking a bit too long for him and even being rolled up inward to avoid being stepped on at the ends, whereas above it, he was wearing a plain black t-shirt, with a backpack hanging on his back once he readjusted it, sitting down next to her. “...So. Does this happen all the time, or are you new here, too?” He asked, his voice sounding a bit nervous, but also middle of the line for most male voices, nothing too notable, like an accent. If he had one, he hid it pretty darn well. Now wasn't this the [i]cheerist[/i] of all times? Sylvia just watched, who's more or less her brother, and some big old ape fight. She was not disappointed. Though, she wished that they had used their powers, or broke [i]something[/i]. There's barely any damage done! A broken chair? Don't make her laugh. That damn thing will be swept up in moments. Sylvia was wondering what old Vespera was up to, her eyes scanned the room- suddenly, she had lost all interest in Spider-Tits. She had to work out what she'll do next. With Jake gone, there was no one for her to spend the afternoon with. Sylvia sighed. Maybe she should have jumped in after all. [i]And what? Get your ass kicked too?[/i] She thought to herself with a sigh. Well, what's done is done. Though, Sylvia knew she would have to avoid Gabe for the rest of the day. Because knowing her, she'd go on a rampage the second she learned that Jake got into a fight. Worse. Without anyone for Gabe to direct that anger at she could - audible gasp! - direct at anger at [i]Sylvia[/i]. Yeah, fuck that. There she was, sitting in a chair with a guitar in her lap. Staring at the (lame) aftermath. She should go do something, but it seemed like "something" came to her on a silver platter. Well, no. A average kid that had to be around her age (Going off her [i]extensive[/i] experience) wearing a backpack, looked like.... He really reminded her of that one kid. The one who did stuff with light, and was shy as all hell. What was his name again? Ethan! Yes, the boyscout. She wondered what happened to him, she [i]wanted[/i] to pop his cherry, but meh. That was the past now. This kid was right in front of her. A present opportunity. Though, she'd have to test if he was [i]w-i-l-l-i-n-g[/i]! Sylvia didn't have time to waste on quitters. Sylvia gave Nicholas a confident smirk. "I wish. I'd make coming here waaaaaay more interesting. Just two sweaty men, beating each other's brains in." She started laughing. She knew that the boy was the shy, [i]pure[/i], type. Something she could play off of easily. "And don't be so nervous, kid. You're in paradise. I'm surprised a kiddo like you haven't left that attitude behind." The silverhaired girl kept laughing. She looked down and played her guitar a little bit. "Me? I'm far from new here. [i]Sylvia-motherfucker-Bertoose[/i] at [i]your[/i] service." Nick couldn't help but mentally facepalm. Ugh. Great, so she enjoyed watching two idiots beat the hell out of each other? At least with boxing, there was some level of meaning behind winning a match and it wasn't just outright killing each other. He'd seen enough of that in his old school, and he didn't like it any better here, either. He quickly ran his hand through his curly hair, moving to the back of it and scratching the back of his head. "No offense, but I find watching two people just beating the heck out of each other -just- to do it pretty boring." He stated simply, looking at where the fellows once laid before looking back at Sylvia. "Sylvia? Nice to meet you. Name's Nicholas Raynor, but you can call me Nick." He stated. His eyes drifted down to her guitar, before smiling. "Nice guitar you got there. I mostly prefer the acoustic type, but bass has its place." He found himself rhyming, almost smirking at his own sillyness. Hell, it wasn't like he could avoid it if he tried. "... Would you prefer that they [i]make out[/i] on the floor, then?" Sylvia winked at Nick. She wasn't [i]neccessarily[/i] into man-on-man, but she just wanted to see how he'd react. Nicholas. He introduced himself as. Not exactly the most interesting name, but during capture the flag, she heard that a bitch-face here was named [i]Atticus[/i]. What's up with that? "A pleasure to meet you, Raynor. Because I'll be your tour guide." She said with a smirk. Maybe playing around with Nick might not be all that bad. The boy made a comment about her guitar. "Oh this?" She raised it up and presented it to him. He would notice that it was painted black, and had a variety of white stickers on it. "This is the best guitar in the world. You wouldn't all the crazy bullshit I've done with this." [i]One time, I shoved it up a boy's ass![/i] "Acoustic guitars are great and all... but I like this one. Not because it's a bass guitar, because this one here [i]actually[/i] has some fucking personality." Nick leaned back, eventually moving to take off the backpack, which looked a bit heavier than it initially would have, now hanging off of its straps in his hand before being set down, as if something heavier than normal books sat within it. This was all done so he could lean back completely, enjoying relaxing in his seat rather than remaining nervous. After all, one on one talks weren't bad, infact, they were what he preferred. At least, until the comment about the guys making out. At first, he blushed at the comment, before breaking out into laughter, moving to lean forward. Thats it, that comment got his attention even more-so. Not that he had anything against their kind, but just the thought of those two kissing and making out was more than just hilarious after what he had just seen them do. "I'm sorry, but I don't think those guys could hate each other more, even if you gave them a reason to. Not that I mind the guy who's hair got torn out. Its more the guy who's got to take offense to everything in existence." He stated, before noting that comment. "Well, I appreciate it, but I don't think I'll be venturing out -too- much. Studies and such...and no offense, but I prefer -not- to get into trouble more than I already have set myself up to." He found himself saying somewhat distastefully. "Ahhhhhh, you don't quite understand. You need a bomb-ass bitch like [i]me[/i], to show a [i]boy[/i] like you around. In case you didn't realize, I'm [i]popular[/i] as fuck." Sylvia laughed as she said to him. "Either way, you're not getting rid of me [i]that[/i] easily. So you better get used to it, kid." She was determined to spread sunshine and happiness to all of Nicholas's adventures! Whether he wanted to or not, Sylvia was going to make a man out of him! A man that passes out in Denny's parking lots with several needles shoved into his ass. Sylvia didn't respond to what he said about Jake and Abe - Because fuck that ancient history. She didn't care about [i]them[/i] anymore. "And...hrm. Really? It -is- a very nice bass. To me though, I like subtle things in music. The things you don't really notice. But it certainly does look like one of the most amazing guitars I've ever seen. I bet you put some real love in how you play it." He stated. Before he was completely thrown off by what she had said, finding himself having to recount it. Oh dear...oh dear, oh dear. "No offense, Sylvia, but I mean it in the most honest way, that popularity has done no one good except people who are looking to sell a product. And right now, I'm not intending to buy right now. However, we can definitely have lunch sometime or hang out. But no offense, I don't plan to live the "popular" way, if you get my drift." He stated blatantly. He was one of those guys who wasn't swayed by the girl who obviously wants to tease and perhaps even do some rather distasteful things to him. Mostly because he's seen the kind of bitches popular girls can be, and beyond that, he's seen what happens to most popular kids. It wasn't something that he wasn't used to hearing about and seeing in media. Sylvia started giggling like a maniac. This boy must be so uptight. Probably homeschooled and lived a life of momma telling him the perversion and [i]evils[/i] of the world. Nothing made her laugh harder. "Maybe you should learn what I'm [i]selling[/i] first..." She said in a sultry tone. Sylvia didn't have the hots for this guy ([i]What am I even supposed to get the hots[/i] for[i]?[/i]), but once again, just wanted to see what he'd say in response. "A little popularity never hurt anyone. All you'd have to do is be seen with me, and everyone would know that you're [i]worthy[/i] of my presence. Like... right now. Everyone watching is getting that idea righ now!" The future rests in the hands of those who can fend for themselves and hold things of substance, not to those who want to spend all they have in a shot of some expensive drug. Ugh. Either way, Nicholas found her whole prospect over what she was [i]selling[/i] a typical tease. Some girls liked it, some guys responded, and he had in the past. And despite the fact that a light blush quickly took form on his cheeks, he found himself frowning, ignoring the speel about being popular. Still not interested."...What kind of powers do you have, anyways?" "Powers, huh?" Sylvia asked with a raised eyebrow. She honestly found the subject of powers as quite stale. When you're here for multiple years, kids come and go, and you'd see the strangest and most powerful abilties out there. "Sound Manipulation, homie. If it has something to do with sound, I can fuck with it." She snapped her fingers, and made Nick's voice very high pitched. To comical levels. He would sound like Micky Mouse. She hated using the same trick twice, but at least he wasn't around to see it the [i]first[/i] time. "Ob-serve!" Again, the young man was interested. Sound manipulation? As she snapped her fingers, he didn't speak at first, waiting for something. He then began to speak. "Power? I do-waaait a sec, is that -my- voice?" He asked, noting the high pitched voice that clearly wasn't his own, before beginning to laugh loudly. "That's absolutely hilarious! I wish I could do that to myself, just to laugh. Aaah. Man. That was good." He found himself finishing up with a pleasant sigh. "My power...is a bit unique. I don't have a real name for it, but its mostly...well, its this." He stated, before snapping his fingers. Instantly, a small, but incredibly bright small flame took hold on his right thumb, glowing a bright white color. "This flame doesn't really usually burn, so it might seem useless, but it can actually heal people, and better yet...well, it makes you feel good. Its...kind of hard to explain, but it makes you feel stronger than you did before. If you want to see what I mean, feel free to touch it." "Cooooooool..." Sylvia said with feigned interest. Oh, boy. This guy can spout fire from his dick! She definitely hasn't seen [i]that[/i] one before. She rolled her eyes. Well, the super-human scene was one big lottery, and it turns out that Sylvia won it. Though, she figured she could screw with him a bit. Healing flames or not, she had been presented with materials. "... Oh, goody. I don't have to worry about getting burned with we [i]do it...[/i]" It was more blatant, but what the hell. He looked like he had enough brain to figure out what's going on here, and that was enough for Sylvia to stop beating around the bush! And with that, Nick was done. He had even offered her a chance to feel his power in action, but nope. All she cared about was either teasing him or sexually offering herself to him, depending on which was the case. And with that, he was done. "I don't think we'll ever do it, to be very frank. I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in someone more interested whats in my pants than a genuine friendship." He stated very frankly, standing up and taking ahold of his backpack and slipping it back onto his back, where it belonged. He then moved to walk towards the door. "Take care, no hard feelings." He found himself finishing before walking through the door, speed-walking his way towards the exit of the building. It seemed the only way he might escape her is maybe by getting somewhere she can't interact. Maybe finding Adam wasn't such a horrible idea... "Waaaaaaaait, come back!" Sylvia immediately got up off the chair, and followed after him. With a hand extended. She didn't brighten his day yet! She couldn't let him get away. "Let me change your mind by seranading you!" She took in a deep breath, and changed her voice to mimic Micheal Jackson's (At his best). She raised the volume of her voice so that [i]everyone[/i] could hear her sing badly, "... I wanna rock with you! All night! Dance you into day! Sunlight! We're gonna rock the night away!"