No time for character sheets now. I'm just gonna answer those last three questions. 1. Anything's possible, but giving yourself irreversible powers might be crossing the line. No one can reverse death, anyway (direct divine intervention is *not* common), and I doubt you'll have a lot of recurring enemies. I wasn't going to hit you guys with a bunch of irreversible effects, anyway. 2. Yes, with the caveat that the god has to actually exist. Your invisible friend can't grant you spells, you can't worship yourself for spells, and your character can't make up, say, a god of Every Third Wednesday just to get magic. Otherwise, even if there is only one worshiper left in the world, his god can still grant him magic (if he is a priest), for reasons mortal minds are not meant to comprehend. There's no significant difference in power between a priest of a god with ten million followers and one with just ten - presumably because even the mightiest priest is a speck of dust compared to the weakest god. 3. You may, your characters may not. See point 2. If think you're giving yourself a free army, I will be very cross.