Hadley grumbled a bit. [i]"It's only a boy's name if I was a boy, but I am not!"[/i] she exclaimed, grabbing all the plates into a pile with a bit of a clank. She shrugged it off for the most part, but decided to comment before taking her leave, [i]"You can repay me by not forgetting my name again."[/i] It wasn't much of a deal, but Hadley felt it was worth it. She didn't like when people misspoke someone's name or information. It meant that they weren't paying attention, in which Hadley thought was a very important aspect of friendship. Listening. Turning on the heel of her shoe she took the plates and began to dump them of the excess contents as well as wash and clean them in the sink. The dreary red color swirled downed the silver hole, marking the end of a good meal, and a relatively good day. Within moments the housekeeper's gruff and loud voice echoed in the dining room. The students were to all report back to the music room for another round of 'games'. Hadley groaned out loud hoping that they weren't anything like the one she had planned in the auditorium; if it was- it would be a long night ahead of them surely.