Let no one say that Kat hadn't mastered her poker face. She certainly had a need for it when a talking dog and a [i]goblin[/i], of all things walked into the tavern. Kat was beginning to rethink her decision of leaving Hel in the woods. Sure, she was proficient enough with her daggers, but she'd certainly be outclassed in a fight if the other participants were the people gathered here. But of course, it wouldn't do to have everyone else know that. "Yeah yeah, we're all very deadly and noble and all that," she drawled, rolling her eyes. "If you're done with your pissing contest, could we pretty please get back to business?" Gods above, was this who she'd have to travel with? Kat wasn't sure they'd make it through the night without killing each other, let alone go on a quest to the Spine together.