[quote=Diabolicalrhapsody] "Ah! Nice meeting you Alexander, that's an impressive name you have got there." Py replied as Alex corrected him on Hadley's name. He heard a slight chuckle from his side to signal that Hadley was indeed right next to him."Sorry there. I had initially thought of Hadley but then I thought it sounded boyish so I self corrected. Really sorry." He said turning to Hadley. As she offered to clear the tables, a smile lit up on his face."Oh my! I wonder how to repay you. First for guiding me through the halls and now this. If it isn't a problem with you, I'll take ypur offer." He said woth gratitude."By the way, did you eat well?" He asked her before turning to engage Alexander as well."It's rude of me to force myself into your conversation but what about you? You from the streets as well? What's your ability?" He asked him [/quote] "Um well no i'm from the streets, and I guess you could say when I touch electronics I become a hacker's paradise. I have a second one involving impossible accuracy and precision. but that's it" Alex said before hearing Hadley speak. "Or dear, she sounds upset" Alex said sounding concerned hearing the Housekeeper next but decided to wait for Hadley first.